

主演: David A.R. White, 布莱恩·伯茨沃斯 Brian Bosworth, Logan White, Steve Borden, Roberta Bassin, Noell Coet, Jen Lilley, Eliza Roberts, 埃里克·罗伯茨 Eric Roberts

导演:寺岛咲,Dan Renalds,廖永谊


《启示2》影片介绍:ROAD 2: THE SEA OF GLASS AND FIRE picks up where the first film in the series ends. After the rapture has taken place, JOSH MCMANUS (David A. R. White) is left behind and goes on a journey to find out what has happened and attempts to travel home to find his family. Before he can go anywhere, he is confronted again by the biker gang that harassed him previously and he joins forces with a young girl whose family has been taken up into the sky by God along with other believers. Chasing Josh at every turn is the brutal outlaw HAWG (Brian Bosworth) and his rolling gang of killers. On the day after the Biblical rapture, law and order have broken down - the highways have become a no-mans-land of bandits and looters. Joshs world has been shaken to the core, and he must make a choice, embrace his past as a man of violence, or learn a new path and become a man of faith. Which will he choose? Helping Josh on his epic quest is the local Sheriff (ERIC ROBERTS), Beth, his over-eager sidekick (NOELL COET) and Cat, the renegade biker (ANDREA LOGAN WHITE). Also featuring WCW Star STEVE "STING" BORDAN and BRUCE MARCHIANO as The Stranger. 在线观看地址:http://www.onlineplaymovie.com/vod-read-id-22658.html... 详情



  • 短歌在途:刚刚
  • 子木之心:7分钟前
  • 时久:5分钟前
  • 晏语晴:1分钟前
    忠犬八公的故事 布达佩斯之恋 姐姐的守护者 芳芳 晨曦中的女孩 心火 小鞋子 我是山姆 美丽人生 迫在眉睫 魂断蓝桥 人工智能 就这么多手打的 ,经典感人的电影,绝对让你喜欢。
  • 洛啊洛:4分钟前
  • 飞天小柠檬:小时前
  • 牛日天:8小时前
  • 就一等闲之辈:5小时前
    ㈢ 找电影名字,是有许多集,外国的。里面主角三男两女。有一个博士,有一个女的穿兽皮上衣和短裙。
  • 明隐恋:2小时前
  • №日光边境↘:1天前
    卡勒德·胡赛尼 从这天晚上起,聂赫留朵夫开始了一种全新的生活,不仅因为他进入了一个新的生活境界,还因为从这时起他所遭遇的一切,对他来说都具有一种跟以前截然不同的意义。


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